
Author Talk with Brenda Matthews

11 Aug 2023

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The Q

Rear 253 Crawford Street
Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

Event - Author Talk with Brenda Matthews

More about this event:

Aunty Brenda will be joining us to discuss her memoir, The Last Daughter.

When Brenda Matthews was two years old, she and her siblings were taken from their parents. For the next five years she was a much-loved daughter in a white family, a happy child in a country town on the outskirts of Sydney, unaware of the existence of her Aboriginal family or how hard her parents were fighting for her return-unaware of her Aboriginal identity.

Then, she was suddenly returned to her Aboriginal family, the last daughter to come home.

"An unmissable First Nations memoir that tells of the shattering experience of being stolen, The Last Daughter is a story of heartbreak and healing that offers a path forward for all Australians" - Good Reads

The event is free, but bookings are essential. Learn more and book now.

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